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SIGCHI is pleased to announce the following award recipients:


for outstanding contributions to the study of human-computer interaction

Tom Moran
IBM Almaden Research Center

Tom Moran is a Distinguished Engineer at the IBM Almaden Research Center, and previously was Principal Scientist and manager of the user interface area at Xerox PARC and was founding director of Xerox EuroPARC. His early work with Allen Newell and Stu Card on the theoretical foundations of human-computer interaction culminated in the seminal text, The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction. Their model human processor, keystroke-level model, and GOMS model have influenced a generation HCI researchers. Moran founded and continues as editor of the influential journal Human Computer Interaction. His analytic research, in addition to the psychology of HCI, includes a command language grammar, task mapping and mental models, workaday world paradigm for CSCW, design rationale, and embodied user interfaces. His systems design work includes the Note Cards idea-processing hypertext system, the user-tailorable Buttons system, the RAVE media space, the Tivoli electronic whiteboard, multimedia meeting capture and "salvaging" tools, whiteboard-embedded meeting tools, and camera-captured walls.


for contributions to the growth of SIGCHI in a variety of capacities

Robin Jeffries
Sun Microsystems

Robin Jeffries has been involved in SIGCHI since 1985. Robin has taken on a variety of roles in SIGCHI, including serving as Adjunct Chair for Special Needs, Adjunct Chair for Mentoring, and a member of SIGCHI's Advisory Board. Through these roles Robin has been responsible for many SIGCHI initiatives. Robin has also held several CHI conference positions, including Papers Co-Chair, and led the CHI Kids effort in its early days.

Robin is a Sun Microsystems Distinguished Engineer and is currently the User Experience Architect in Sun's Chief Technologist's Office, where she works on company-wide issues in product design and usability. Dr. Jeffries spent 15 years as a researcher at the University of Colorado, Carnegie-Mellon University, and Hewlett-Packard Laboratories before coming to Sun. Dr. Jeffries is also Sun's representative to the Institute for Women and Technology, with the goal of bringing more women into computing and keeping them in the field.

Gene Lynch
Design Technologies

Gene's passion and direction have long shaped the SIGCHI community and the CHI conference. He chaired the ANSI/HFS 100 Committee, co-Chaired CHI'90, and has been a frequent technical contributor to the CHI conferences as author, presenter, panelist, tutorial instructor, workshop leader and participant. He was a technical co-chair for CHI'92, and was ACM/SIGCHI's Vice-Chair for Conferences from 1993-1998.

Gene has 14 years of experience consulting on usability and product design and an additional 15 years industry experience in interactive product development. Prior to founding Design Technologies, Dr. Lynch was the Director of the Tektronix Design Technology Laboratory, where he was responsible for Corporate Customer-Centered Research & Design, Software Tools, Software Process Improvement Program, and Corporate Industrial Design.

2004 Inductees to the CHI ACADEMY

for substantial contributions to the field of human-computer interaction

George Furnas
George Furnas is a Professor at the University of Michigan in the School of Information and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. He came to academia from Bellcore and Bell Labs where he was a researcher, manager and director. A principal focus of his research is in advanced information access and visualization. Specific contributions include Generalized Fisheye Views, Space-Scale Diagrams that support effective navigation in the Pad++ Zoomable User Interface, Multitrees that expanded the types of hierarchical structures that we can visualize, developments in Statistical Semantics, Adaptive Indexing, Latent Semantic Indexing, Graphical Deduction Systems, Prosection (hi-dimensional visualization technique) and Collaborative Filtering. Recently he has been working on consolidating theories of design and use at multiple levels of aggregation.

Jonathan Grudin
Jonathan Grudin is at Microsoft Research, in the Adaptive Systems and Interaction Group. He was earlier Professor of Information and Computer Science at University of California, Irvine, and has taught at Aarhus University, Keio University and the University of Oslo. He has also worked at the MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Wang Laboratories, and MCC. He is best known for his work on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and the social context of HCI. He is prolific and influential, authoring papers on topics such as typing errors; definitional studies of consistency, context and interfaces; organizational issues in HCI work; surveys of CSCW; collaborative information retrieval; and information displays. His methods include thought pieces, careful ethnography, and quantitative evaluations. His article on motivation and incentives in collaborative applications has led many people to call this problem the "Grudin Paradox" or the "Grudin Problem." He is the co-editor of the standard readings book for CSCW, and was recently editor of TOCHI.

William Newman
William Newman is currently an independent consultant on interaction and usability, and previously had academic appointments at the University of Utah. He worked at Xerox PARC and after some years of consulting, at EuroPARC. His 1968 paper “A System for Interactive Graphical Programming,” set the stage for two major intellectual threads – input device independence (logical input devices) and user interface management systems. His early work at PARC on the Officetalk integrated office system helped develop some of today’s common interaction techniques. His co-authored text Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics and second edition helped introduce HCI concepts to computer science students. His more recent co-authored text is Interactive System Design. At EuroPARC he managed the Collaborative and Multimedia Systems group, whose projects included the Pepys automatic diary systems and the digital desktop – thus influencing more recent work in ubiquitous computing.

Brad Myers
Brad Myers is professor in CMU’s Human-Computer Interaction Institute. He is our most prolific user interface software researcher, and is well-known for his influential work with programming by demonstration and UI development tools. His current work is the Pebbles PDA project to synchronously couple a PDA and PC, as well a digital video authoring system. Earlier work included Garnet and Amulet, two widely-used interactive development environments for UIs, that introduced new concepts such as interactors and integrated support for constraints, command models, and animation. For his dissertation he built Peridot, a “programming by demonstration” user interface system that was the subject of his first book, Creating User Interfaces by Demonstration. Other software systems that Brad developed include Incense, Silver, Lapidary and Sapphire. He has also made contributions to window managers, program visualization and visual programming.

Dan Olsen
Dan Olsen, Jr., is a Professor of Computer Science at Brigham Young University and was the first director of the CMU Human-Computer Interaction Institute at CMU. He is one of the very earliest and most influential researchers in the user interface software domain. His first contributions were in using formal language techniques (FSMs, BNF) to specify the syntactic structure of a user interface. He has also published two books on user interface software: Developing User Interfaces and User Interface Management Systems: Models and Algorithms. His MIKE system was an early (1988) and influential system for automatically generating a user interface from semantic specifications. Dan has shown great versatility in the past 10 years, creating novel systems in areas ranging from CSCW to Interactive Machine Learning, and developing Metrics and Principles for Human-Robot Interaction. Dan was founding editor of TOCHI. He is a recipient of CHI’s Lifetime Service Award.

Brian Shackel
Brian Shackel is Professor Emeritus at Loughborough University. In 1959 he was publishing about the ergonomics of display terminals, many years before HCI existed as a discipline. In 1970 he founded HUSAT, the human sciences research institute at Loughborough, which for many years was the largest HCI research center in Europe. He worked closely with government, industry and international bodies to make HCI an accepted part of political and commercial agendas, such as integrating usability methods and metrics into industry and defense standard engineering methods. In 1981 he became chair of IFIP WG6.3 on "Man-Computer Communication,” and in1984 was a founder of the Interact conference series and chair of the first conference. In 1989 he was the founding chair of IFIP technical committee 13. His contribution to international HCI was recognized in 1999 by the establishment of the Brian Shackel Award, presented at each succeeding Interact conference

Terry Winograd
Terry Winograd is professor of computer science at Stanford University, where he founded and directs the program in human-computer interaction. Terry is a pioneer in cognitive science. His early work on natural language appeared in an entire issue of Cognitive Psychology and as two books: Understanding Natural Language and Language as a Cognitive Process. He shifted his interests to HCI with the co-authored book Understanding Computers and Cognition: A New Foundation for Design. His latest book Bringing Design to Software brought together thinkers from many design fields, pointing the way to integrating design thinking into HCI. Terry has explored other dimensions of the relationship between people and computers, receiving the Rigo Award for lifetime contributions to Computer Documentation (from ACM SIGDOC) and the Founders Award as founder of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. He has been a major influence in HCI through broadening its perspectives, demonstrating the relevance and importance of diverse schools of thought to understanding and designing interaction.

Past Honorees


1998 Douglas C. Engelbart
2000 Stuart K. Card
2001 Ben Shneiderman
2002 Donald A. Norman
2003 John M. Carroll


2001 Austin Henderson
2002 Dan R. Olsen, Jr.
2003 Lorraine Borman


William A. S. Buxton
Stuart K. Card
John M. Carroll
Douglas C. Engelbart
James D. Foley
Thomas Green
James D. Hollan
Sara Kiesler
Robert E. Kraut
Morten Kyng
Thomas K. Landauer
Thomas P. Moran
Donald A. Norman
Gary M. Olson
Judith S. Olson
Peter G. Polson
Ben Shneiderman
Lucy A. Suchman

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